Little riding bike work out week #06

November 2nd, 2022

On Wednesday afternoon, I rode a bike for 30 minute from home straight to the west along Sauvé/ Côte Vertu street. On that day the weather was nice and hot with 20-22 degree. I rode it all the way to Vanier College, but I rode it once one way and I went back by metro by carrying my bike into the train. The reason is I was a bit tired and I couldn’t rode it back home so I decided to take a train. Before I went back, I sat on the bench next to G-building for 15 minutes and also did flexibility exercise for another 5 minutes to prevent any injured that could happen after hark workout. I enjoyed very much of the view along the street and hot weather. I’m going to miss this moment of enjoying a long ride to the west.


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